Thursday, October 31, 2019
Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques Assignment
Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques - Assignment Example The company also offers value creation solutions by improving productivity and reducing costs of operation through service solutions such as cutting, custom making, and kitting (Top Cable 1). The initial process of manufacturing a conductor is the process of wire-drawing. This process involves the reduction of the diameter of the copper wire slowly to its final diameter. Wire-drawing process increases conductivity and ductility of the communication cables and wires. The copper wires usually arrive at Top Cable from the foundry in huge coils each measuring 5 tonnes. This copper is known as â€Å"wire rod†in technical terms and measures 8 mm. The wire drawing method performed in these wires takes place in two methods: drawing and further reduction or annealing. Top Cable thereafter takes the wires through wiring stage where the engineers make conductors with differing cross-sections. Top Cable takes the copper wires to the next process of insulation. Insulation involves covering of the conductors to ensure that current leakages do not occur. Top Cable uses different insulation materials depending on the features of the communication cable it needs. The company considers heat resistance and insulation capacity to determine the insulation quality, and the quality of the resultant insulated cables. In some communication cables, Top Cable uses high heat resistant insulation materials to allow the wires from the previous stage to transmit a lot of power as compared to other wires that have low heat resistance. Top Cable adds the insulating material by an extrusion process that involves high temperature. This method ensures that no leakages of current occur. Various materials used in insulation include EPR, PVC, and XLPE. Once the insulation process ends, the manufacturing process subjects the insulated cables to voltage tests to make sure that the layers of insulatio n do not have any fault. Phase
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Conquest of Mexico Essay Example for Free
The Conquest of Mexico Essay We all know that to a story there are always two sides. The story can have a great change depending on what side is telling the story. We can argue the same thing to the devastating Spanish conquest of Mexico. That was Stuart B. Schwartz, a Professor at Yale University main objective to give the reader a detailed view of the Spanish conquest of Mexico both by the Nahua and the Spanish perspective presenting a balanced and fair collection of European and Native American sources complemented by his own expert analysis. Victors and Vanquished demonstrates that personal interest, class and ethnic biases, and political opinions can influence the interpretation of events. While the tragic events still lead to the Spanish conquest both sides of the story recall the motivations of the conquest from very distinct ways, in addition I think that it is important to look at the greed and lies to the Spanish conquest. Schwartz in the introduction provides the reader with a comprehensive description of the Mesoamerica and Spanish society. This includes the end of the Classic Era and how Mexica Empire rose to power and how it expanded through all of Central America. The most notable theme in the whole story is the greed and lies that almost every single character represents in the story. The Mexica for example make the foundation of Tenochtitlan where there is estimated that is was occupied by more 150,000 people. The Mexica sacrifices and torture people from other tribes making them the most dominate empire of Central Mexico their city Tenochtitlan was a great example of this too â€Å"Gazing on such wonderful sights, we did not know what to say, or whether what appeared before us was real.†Bernal Diaz knew the Mexica Empire was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Weren’t the Mexica people greedy too? They sacrificed people, children and animals to their God Huitzilopochtli, Tlà ¡loc, Huehueteotl and Tezcatlipoca to obtain what they needed. On the other side of the world the Spanish had been fighting for Catholicism most of the European countries were converted to Christianity. Popes dominated the society but they as the same King and lowest rank solider had the same vision, Money and power. Conquistadores had been traveling around the world trying to find lucrative amount of goal, taking over territories sometimes already occupies, and making the native people slaves to their commands. Bernal Diaz in his second writing speaks of Hernan Cortez setting foot in Tenochtitlan and meeting with some representatives of Montezuma. Diaz describes the encounter differently of the real intentions of Cortez. He explains that Cortez treats the representative with kindness and leaves the representatives with a good impression of him. He says that he is there only to trade with the Indians and nothing else. Cortez believes that Montezuma has gold hidden somewhere and for this he sends back the representatives some presents Montezuma received these gifts but he desired not to be interview in other words he didn’t want asked questions instead he send Cortez fine gift a helmet filled with gold instead of making new friends Montezuma fell in trap that Cortez secretly desire to know if there were fine mines in Tenochtitlan. Therefore the Spanish conquest was not a massacre it was a well brought plan by the conquistadores full of lies and greed. The Mexica wouldn’t of fall into their plan if they too weren’t greedy and would just stick to their own cultivations and own resources.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Entrepreneur Reflection Paper
Entrepreneur Reflection Paper Section 1.0 Introduction This portfolio releases findings of an analysis carried out on my personal abilities, skills, capability and experience to set up a business and also an analysis of the various tests that I undertook and the lessons learnt from the review. Furthermore an identification of strengths and weaknesses identified in (1.1) and (1.2) will be release along with how I address these and what actions I took and what information I needed together. Finally a reflection on the skills, experience and information, gained from carrying out this assignment will be explained. Section 1.1 Analysis of personal abilities, skills, capability and experience to set up a business Entrepreneurship is the drive of the economies in the world today. Most innovations are made and implemented by entrepreneurs. The role of entrepreneurs today is not just for self fulfilment but for contributing to the economies and helping to solve many of the problems in society. I consider myself an entrepreneur. I have entrepreneurial thoughts and am moved by successful entrepreneurs. The role of Bill Gates to information revolution is one of the contributions of entrepreneurial that inspire me. I try to figure out how the world would be without the contribution made by him and am perplexed (Birley S and Muzyka D, 1997). In the past, I have had entrepreneurial thoughts. I have thought of innovations that would make changes to the world. I thought of innovations that would make life easier for people while adding opportunities for jobs and livelihood of people. There are various reasons that make me to consider myself as an entrepreneur. The best indicator is that most of my role models are entrepreneurs. On top of the role model is Bill Gates. I consider him as a role model for his innovativeness and courage. Although a student, Bill Gates was innovative enough to see how software development could solve peoples problems (Bridge S, ONeill K, Martin F, 2009). He did not stop at the academia level but pursued his discovery and implemented the knowledge. Bill Gates courage is manifested by how he is able to pursue the discovery even though they are limited by resources and skills. Richard Branson of Virgin Empire is another role model. Richardsons self beliefs inspire me. He is able to see problems and does not run away from the problem but bravely confronts the problem and comes up with solutions. As an entrepreneur, I am innovative. I am able to come up with solutions by using innovative ways. From my lower grades in school, other students relied on me to give solutions when they were met with challenges. I have been able to use my innovativeness and interest in information technology in various ways. I have prepared and implemented software applications that can solve various problems. At my home, I prepared a software application that helps me remember to prepare for everyday. Together with my colleagues, we were able to present software applications that helps manages students welfare at our former High school. My self believe adds to my qualities of entrepreneurships. I believed in my capacity to bring changes to the society and take it as a duty to bring the positive changes. Although some other people are not comfortable with my assertiveness, I take it as a gift that should be exploited for the good of the people. My inner drive helps me to overcome negative reactions and pessimistic opinions of other people. The business idea that I have in mind is online marketing and sales. This idea came in my mind as a result of development in information technology that has changed the culture and ways of life of people (Burns P, 2008). The conventional ways of doing business would not be successful in this information era. The information era calls for restructuring of the business to conform to new technologies. The other motivation to online marketing and sales is philosophy of lean (Entrepreneur, 2009). Most of the products that are sold to the end are sold at a very high price as compared to the production cost of the product. The additional costs to the products result from the many middlemen. Online sales and marketing enables the products to be sold directly to the end ensuring that the end used gets the value of the money used. Online sales and marketing requires and entails the use of information technology in sales and marketing. As an entrepreneur, I wish to apply the skills to assist business and corporate market their products though the internet. In addition to market, I wish to assist businesses implement direct online sales to their customers. My broad experience in information technology, application programming and marketing will be useful. My ability to foresee details of complex things will enable me to overcome the challenges of setting up the sales and marketing. Sales and marketing is an old role in business. Although other roles are equally important, I find sales and marketing to be the most important. Sales and marketing is the activity that presents the product to the used and ensures that the products are bought. Without sales and marketing, the role of production and other roles may be inessential. Inspired by this, I feel that the use of information technology in this role would be very fruitful. Online sales and marketing in not new. Many companies run their own website through which potential customers can peruse the products before they can arrange to make purchases. A good example of model online direct sales is EBags. This company sells different kind of bags to their customers through the internet. However, the online sales and marketing are made by individual companies. My vision is to establish a virtual online supermarket though which people can access products from different companies and buy the products directly through th e internet. The education system has opened my mind in various areas. The skills that I have acquired would be very helpful to the business. The analytical, communication, and problem solving skills in academia are essential to the business. These skills coupled with my innovativeness and self drive will enable me to achieve the vision of online sales and marketing. To evaluate the business and my entrepreneurial skills, I undertook various tests. Section 1.2 Analysis of the various tests undertaken and the lessons learnt from the review To evaluate my entrepreneurial capability, I took several independent entrepreneurial tests. The test helped me to unfold my personality and other things related to entrepreneurship. On personality, I took different independent entrepreneurial tests. Personality is very important to the success of entrepreneur. Most of the entrepreneurs are observed to have related personality that contributes to their success. Most successful entrepreneurs are observed to have personal inner drive that sustain their innovations and quest for success. Most of them strongly believe in themselves and have confidence in their personal capacity to bring change. Their innovativeness and problem solving is very vital to their success. Being in business means that a person will be prone to competition. Most entrepreneurs have personalities that ensure them to be competitive without fear of failure. In addition, almost all entrepreneurs are highly motivated and have high energy. Their energy enables them to overcome the difficult task of entrepreneurships and motivate other individuals to the goal of the business. Despite of these, most entrepreneurs are open for advice and criticism. In stead of taking criticism negatively, entrepreneurs learn from the criticism and implement the necessary changes to their businesses. Personality tests were; Type T personality test, DaVinci type personality test and Bill Wagners Personality test. The tests presented questions that aimed at analyzing the personality. Completion of the entrepreneurial personality test gave a report that included a score on different personality categories (Personality 100, 2009). The result from the test suggested whether a person was fit for being an entrepreneur. From all the entrepreneurial personality tests I scored a score sufficient for entrepreneur. The other personality test made was the HBDI personality test. This test measures the tendency of a person to have left-brain or right-brain thinking. This tendency tells whether a person is more likely to have conceptual and experimental tendency in thinking (Jolly A, 2004). This tendency is different in different professions and helps an individual to discover the right profession. For an entrepreneur, the test analyses the major issues that are necessary to the entrepreneur. The test has different quadrants. The first quadrant takes into consideration of the capacity to solve problems. An entrepreneur has to be able to think logically and analyse facts before making a decision. The second quadrant evaluates the ability of the person to implement the decision made. The third quadrant evaluates the ability of the entrepreneurs to communicate. Communication is very essential for businesses. The ability of the entrepreneur to communicate ensures the entrepreneur to coordinate other st ake holders in the business (Wickham P, 2006). The fourth quadrant of the test evaluates the capability of the entrepreneurs to take risks. Risk taking is very important to entrepreneurs and determines how they would handle challenges and respond to setbacks. The other test made was the marketing test. Marketing is very essential to a business. This test analyses how an entrepreneur is aware of the potential market and marketing strategies. Also, I took a market research test. This tests how an individual understands market research. The questions presented help the individual to evaluate market research needed for the business. The other test taken was a leadership test. The leadership test helps to evaluate the leadership qualities of the person taking the test. Entrepreneurs are leaders in their respective businesses. To be a successful entrepreneur, a person has to be a good leader. Section 1.3 Strengths and Weaknesses Evaluation of personal abilities and the use of the entrepreneurial tests enabled me to discover my strengths and weakness as an entrepreneur. The evaluation was made in relation to the online sales and marketing business that I have in mind. Online sales marketing is information based business. It takes the form of business outsourcing. The business entails taking other businesses trouble of sales and marketing and doing it for them. My creativity and innovativeness is my strength (Williams S, 2002). The innovativeness will enable me to be able to come up with solutions to individual businesss sales and marketing challenges. My strong base in information technology is vital to the business (Chapman N and Chapman J, 2006). This experience will enable me to be at ease in coming up with online solution sales and marketing. The education base is also strength. Online sales and marketing businesses will entail ability to deal with complexities. The analytical skill obtained from the education system will enable me to come up with logical solutions to the problems. From the personality test, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. From the test, I am outgoing and assertive. This quality is essential for entrepreneurs. The quality will enable me to deal with other people. The assertiveness is strength with what I would be able to sell the business idea to potential clients. This will enable the business to gain customers and have fast growth. The assertiveness will also help me to negotiate for the business with potential business partners. Problem solving is a key element to entrepreneur success (Rae, 2007). From the HBDI test, it was shown that I have good problem solving capabilities. Online sales and marketing, as an outsourcing business will entail solving other peoples problems. The capability will enable me to be able to handle clients problems with ease. The weaknesses identified from the test include communication challenges and leadership. The assertiveness was identified to impede interpersonal communication by intimidating the other party. On leadership, my leadership quality was identified and self- centred. To overcome the challengers posed by my personality in leadership and communication, I will invest in the area to ensure improvement. Personal reflection will enable me to be sensitive of other people in communication and react appropriately to their personal psychological needs. This will enable me to overcome the intoxicative charisma. On leadership, I would register for leadership course. The course will help me in managing and leading people. Section 1.4 Reflection on the skills, experience and information, gained from carrying out the assignment The reflection of the business was very important to me as an entrepreneur. The assessment enables me to go through the details of the business. From this, I was able to unfold the hidden challenges that would be posed by the business. This assessment enabled me to go step by step through the different steps that would be followed when establishing the business. It gave me the opportunity to relate the theoretical base of the business with the practical implementation of the problem. Through the business idea can be reviewed to fit the practical environment. The entrepreneurial tests were very important to discovery of self in relation to entrepreneurship. From the test, I was able to identify my strengths and weakness and an entrepreneur. From the strengths and weakness identified, I would be able to make the right measure to overcome the challenges. Entrepreneurship is very important to the economies of the world (Rae, 2007). The freedoms and innovativeness of the entrepreneurs leads to solutions of major world challenges. From the assessment, entrepreneurship is the right way for me. It will enable me to implement the online sales and marketing business idea.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo Essay
Comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo Woman Work and overheard in County Sligo are both poems which give us an image of the role of woman in the past, and how she contributed to society Through reading both these poems, it is apparent that both of the poets’ backgrounds have influenced the poems. In the past, women were not considered important in society, and their efforts were not valued, not even by woman herself. Women were expected to stay at home, and become housewives. Woman lived in a society in which there was pressure to get married, wither by family pressure or societal pressure. It was not necessary for woman to conform to the beliefs and wishes of society, but many women felt compelled to follow the typical image expected of woman. Maya Angelou and Gillian Clarke are two female poets who felt it was important to write about the situation that some woman had to live in. Maya Angelou is a black female who felt compelled to write about how woman were treated in the years before her. She felt her ancestors were suppressed, not only because of their African race but because they were woman. Her poem, Woman Work, is about a woman’s struggle everyday to keep up with life, and do the housework. The woman in Woman work is unhappy with her life. She has many jobs to do, and does not show any positive emotion towards them. She is constantly working, and this is her main priority in life. We know that she has children. She says ‘I’ve got the tots to dress’’. There is no mention of the children’s fat her in the poem, which may indicate that he gives her no help in the housework. The woman is very tired and flustered. She says ‘Let me rest tonight’, which implies that it i... ...pped by their lives. I think that even though the woman in ‘Overheard in County Sligo’ is richer, and may be more well-off than the woman in ‘Woman Work’, they are both unfortunate and have the same amount of pressure on them. I like both poems, but I prefer ‘Woman Work’ as I like the use of language and imagery in the last four verses. I like the lines ‘Fall softly dewdrops and cover me with white’ I think using nature at the end of the poem makes the poem better, as it emphasises all the lack of materialistic things she owns, and nature is all she has. I think the use of vocabulary is very good, and Maya Angelou has made the majority of the last four verses very peaceful. On the other hand, I like that ‘Overheard in County Sligo starts off with an overview of a woman, who, on the surface, has the perfect life, while she is secretly living in misery. Comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo Essay Comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo Woman Work and overheard in County Sligo are both poems which give us an image of the role of woman in the past, and how she contributed to society Through reading both these poems, it is apparent that both of the poets’ backgrounds have influenced the poems. In the past, women were not considered important in society, and their efforts were not valued, not even by woman herself. Women were expected to stay at home, and become housewives. Woman lived in a society in which there was pressure to get married, wither by family pressure or societal pressure. It was not necessary for woman to conform to the beliefs and wishes of society, but many women felt compelled to follow the typical image expected of woman. Maya Angelou and Gillian Clarke are two female poets who felt it was important to write about the situation that some woman had to live in. Maya Angelou is a black female who felt compelled to write about how woman were treated in the years before her. She felt her ancestors were suppressed, not only because of their African race but because they were woman. Her poem, Woman Work, is about a woman’s struggle everyday to keep up with life, and do the housework. The woman in Woman work is unhappy with her life. She has many jobs to do, and does not show any positive emotion towards them. She is constantly working, and this is her main priority in life. We know that she has children. She says ‘I’ve got the tots to dress’’. There is no mention of the children’s fat her in the poem, which may indicate that he gives her no help in the housework. The woman is very tired and flustered. She says ‘Let me rest tonight’, which implies that it i... ...pped by their lives. I think that even though the woman in ‘Overheard in County Sligo’ is richer, and may be more well-off than the woman in ‘Woman Work’, they are both unfortunate and have the same amount of pressure on them. I like both poems, but I prefer ‘Woman Work’ as I like the use of language and imagery in the last four verses. I like the lines ‘Fall softly dewdrops and cover me with white’ I think using nature at the end of the poem makes the poem better, as it emphasises all the lack of materialistic things she owns, and nature is all she has. I think the use of vocabulary is very good, and Maya Angelou has made the majority of the last four verses very peaceful. On the other hand, I like that ‘Overheard in County Sligo starts off with an overview of a woman, who, on the surface, has the perfect life, while she is secretly living in misery.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Charismatic Leadership Essay
Abstract This essay gives an overview of various leadership types and focuses on the charismatic leadership. It attempts to explain the charismatic leadership process with an example of Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader. It goes further and explores the attributes that a charismatic leader possesses. The essay also tries to find out various effects of charismatic leadership on the organization. While mentioning the positive effects of the charismatic leadership, it also investigates the â€Å"dark†side of the charismatic leadership. After reading the essay the readers are expected to have gained enough familiarity with this kind of leadership and at the end of the essay I would like to put forth a couple of questions regarding charismatic leadership which have remained unanswered after reading the material I have cited. Introduction Any type of organization runs successfully when it is piloted by a skillful and influential leader. While leaders motivate their followers, it is not the only thing leaders can do. A good leader can structure the organization in the way he wants. He represents the culture of the organization and most importantly, it has been observed that effective leaders posses a capacity to increase the productivity of the organization. Various scholars categorize leadership styles in a different way. Lewin (1939) classifies leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership [1]. Max Weber classifies leaders as Bureaucratic Leader, Traditional Leaders and Charismatic Leaders [2]. In 1978 Burns defined yet another classification: Transactional Leaders and Transformational Leaders [2]. Burns Transformational Leadership is similar to Charismatic Leadership style proposed by Weber. Since 1978 a lot of research has been done on various aspects of charismatic leadership. In this essay I would like to focus on charismatic leadership, its attributes and traits in charismatic leaders. What is charismatic leadership? Weber defines charismatic leadership as â€Å"resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him†[3]. He envisaged religious leaders like Jesus as charismatic leaders. Later researches considered various social-political leaders like Mahatma Gandhi as charismatic leaders. Dictators like Hitler also had some charismatic traits. These were the leaders with exceptional qualities which made them almost god-like for their followers. The charm of such people made their followers go behind these leaders without questioning them. While analyzing such a strong bond between the leaders and his followers Weber focuses on the social patterns and conditions under which the leader exists. However, the later researches throw light on the psychological attributes of the leaders which make them successful charismatic leaders. Research shows that charismatic leaders appeal strongly to the values of the followers and it is this psychological bondage between the two which makes the charismatic leadership succeed. Neither the sociologically oriented Weberian approach nor the psychological approach alone can explain charismatic leaders. The approaches together, however, give the better analysis of charismatic leadership. Charismatic Leadership Process Charismatic leadership process is seen as a compound product of three factors: The leader and his attributes, the social situation which demands for such a leader and the interaction between the leader and his followers. Charismatic leadership process undergoes six steps from the rise of the leader to the final routinization and thus the fall of the leader [4]. I would like to identify Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader and explain these six steps with an example of his leadership in India’s non-violent freedom movement. Step 1: Identification This step takes place from the composite mixture of the three factors mentioned above. It is a stage where the aspiring leader is on the social horizon; the followers are in distress and are looking forward to someone who will identify himself with their problems. The social situation is increasingly getting worsened in this stage. This is the time when the leader establishes him as a potential leader but the followers, by large, remain passive. In Gandhi’s leadership this can be said to have taken place during the years 1915-1920 when Gandhi was back to India from a successful movement in South Africa. India had no tall leader whom it could depend on and Gandhi’s charisma was just started showing its colors (Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha) [5]. Step 2: Activity Arousal In this step the leader arouses the follower to become the part of the change. Followers who were passive admirers of the leader till the earlier phase become active supporters of the leader and the cause for which he is identifying himself. The longer this stage lasts the longer is a span of the charismatic leadership. In Gandhi’s case this step lasted from 1920 till 1930. Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement in 1921 is a precise example of activity arousal stage where he awakened the whole country to rise against the British rule [6]. Step 3: Commitment Commitment stage in the charismatic leadership is without any doubt the most interesting step in the process. This step takes the charismatic leadership at the peak and at the same time this is the phase when the charismatic leader starts losing his charisma. This step starts by demonstrating the extreme commitment of the leader towards the goal and same commitment from the followers towards the leader. This demonstration often takes the shape of some kind of sacrifice on the part of the leader or impending danger on the leader. This sacrifice or danger makes the image of the leader as courageous and dedicated in the eyes of many followers. Interestingly, this same act makes some of the elite followers disillusioned and they start suspecting their leader as pompous and hypocrite. This is the stage where the leadership can be bifurcated into two categories as a personalized leadership and socialized leadership. The first type of leadership tends to become authoritarian and exploita tive. The second type of leader is more egalitarian and he will share power and responsibility with others. In either way, the personalized leader will become dictator and will lose his charisma and the socialized type of leader will help routinizing the leadership! The example for personalized leader can be of Hitler who ultimately became a dictator. Gandhi can be seen as a fusion of both types with definitive inclination towards socialized type of leadership. For Gandhi the commitment stage can be said to have lasted from 1930 to 1935. Salt Satyagraha can be considered as the peak of his charisma and the diplomatic failure at the Round Table Conference can be seen as the first symbol of the next step of the disenchantment [7]. Step 4: Disenchantment This phase is quite unavoidable and sometimes even intentional on the part of the leader. Many times social structure brings the disenchantment stage. Sometimes, because the leaders themselves know that they are not immortal, they try to bring the routinization in the leadership. This routinization brings the feel of loss of goal to some followers. This step may lose some of the strongest followers from the leader. This step is also an outcome of the scenario when the leader seems to be failing. As the charismatic leaders are not very good at the formal procedural leadership [4] more routinization brings more failure and more disenchantment of the followers. In Gandhi’s case disenchantment started from 1933 and lasted till 1938 in which stage he lost many of his old followers like Subhas Chandra Bose [8]. However this is the phase where the process of routinization seemed to have taken place distinctly. Step 5: Depersonalization This step is a logical follower of the earlier step of disenchantment. Disenchantment starts because of routinization and it leads to the depersonalization and formalization of the leadership. The leadership style becomes more and more like bureaucratic leadership. The leader starts delegating his tasks to his followers. This phase comes in Gandhi’s leadership during 1938-1942. This is the period when he made it clear that Jawaharlal Nehru will be his political heir. It is the time when he withdrew himself partly from the active politics [9]. Step 6: Alienation This is a process of disintegration of the three factors mentioned in the beginning which had come together in phase one. In this step, due to the formalization and bureaucratization of the leadership, charismatic leadership becomes increasingly redundant. The followers feel that the organization and the leader are going away from the initial goal and thus they start alienating themselves from the organization and the charisma of the leader fades as the social situation which has made him appeal to the masses has changed. This stage does not necessarily mean the failure of the leader. In many cases, having achieved the goal for which the charismatic leader had risen, the leader becomes redundant for his followers and the goal itself becomes redundant for the leader. Years 1942-1948 show this phase in Gandhi’s leadership. Though Gandhi remained popular and worshiped leader of India till his assassination, his charisma faded gradually in his last years [10]. Attributes of Charismatic leaders After having described what is charismatic leadership and how does it work, it is interesting to find out what makes one a charismatic leader. What are the attributes that a charismatic leader posses or what are the traits which make someone a potential charismatic leader? It is clear from the above discussion that the actual rise of such a leader is a composite function of various variables. However, this section will try to describe the personal traits that make a person a potential leader. There are some attributes which are exhibited by a person at his childhood or adolescence which make a person potential charismatic leader. This statement is quite ambitious and somewhat exaggerated. However, the converse of the sentence is true. The research shows that charismatic leaders do show some specific pattern of behavior at their adolescence [11]. Parental Attachment Style and Parental Psychological Control [11] It has been observed that a way a child is attached to his parents in his adolescence plays important role shaping him as an effective charismatic leader. It is seen that young adult securely attached to his parents tends to form a positive relationship with his followers in the later life. Many of the qualities possessed by a charismatic leader such as self-confidence, self-esteem are also found in a child who has a parental attachment style which is secure, autonomous and displays relatedness. These attributes are considered as positive attributes in parental attachment style for the development of a charismatic leader. It is also obvious that these qualities in the parental attachment style make the child emerging to an adult more self-aware and help him making sense of his place in the world. Empirical research suggests that charismatic leaders also have same sense of self-awareness and they are often introspective in evaluating their own beliefs. Thus, it is proposed that there is a positive relationship between parental attachment style and displays of charismatic leadership by emergent adult. It is seen, on the other hand, that parental control impedes the development of an emergent adult. Excessive psychological control by parents on the child makes him insecure and less confident. This proves to be a barrier in his development as a charismatic leader. Parental psychological control also acts as an obstacle in establishing social relations and it create a situation of isolation for the emergent adult. Psychological control is seen as a negative factor in emergent adults’ displays of charismatic leadership Apart from above mentioned attribute, which attempts to answer the question â€Å"who are the charismatic leaders†, there are some attributes which try to answer the question â€Å"what makes a person a charismatic leader†. Here are some traits which can be identified with the charismatic leader [12]. Self-Monitoring One of the qualities of the charismatic leaders is that they watch themselves. They are constantly aware of the fact that their followers are watching them and so they find it important that they portray a good picture of themselves for their followers. As the charismatic leaders are born out of the blend of social scenario and follower’s needs, it becomes imperative for such leaders to constantly identify themselves with that social scenario and the need. Charismatic leaders can manage that only if they monitor themselves to make sure that they are still answering to the same plea which made them such a popular leader. Self-Actualization Self motivation is an important part of charismatic leadership. The leader gets motivated by the social scenario without being prompted about it. He can address his followers with the vigor only when he is self-actualized himself. It has been observed that such leaders not only motivate themselves but they have a capacity to transform this self-actualization to their followers as well. They actually raise their followers from one level to the higher level. Motive to Attain Power Charismatic leaders often do not seek conventional power. They may not ask for an official post or position but what they look for is a social power. They want their follower to respect them and see them as their saviors. They want to win the position in their follower’s hearts. They look for identifying themselves with their follower’s values and shared beliefs. Such leaders are rated high on their social skills to persuade the masses and appeal them to their hearts. It is this power which keeps them popular for longer time. Self Enhancement Charismatic leaders are known for their self-correcting nature. They judge themselves on a strict scale. They continuously strive to become better. They, in fact, know that it is this â€Å"superiority†in them which makes them different from their followers. Charismatic leaders believe that when eventually they will bring their followers to their present level of â€Å"superiority†, they themselves should have gone one step above it to remain their leaders. Openness to Change While most of the other types of the leaders try to maintain status-quo as they are often afraid that change might depose them from the power, charismatic leaders are open to change. In fact, they represent the change and many times they prove to be the ones who bring about the changes. It is interesting to note that charismatic leaders are most powerful in the situation which demands the changes! Outcomes of charismatic leadership Having seen the process of the charismatic leadership and the attributes which the charismatic leaders posses, it becomes unavoidable to discuss the outcomes of the charismatic leadership. Many scholars see charismatic leadership as positive force which yields desirable results. However there are some scholars who focus on negative aspects of the charismatic leadership. We will see both sides of the charismatic leadership. It is observed that charismatic leadership motivates followers to give extra output than what is expected from them otherwise. It also achieves self-actualization in its followers [12]. It is seen that charismatic leadership works in a social structure to heighten the morale of the followers. It shapes the society the way the followers and the leader had dreamt. In the business world also the charismatic leadership works positively. It increases the overall performance of the organization. It creates a sense of fulfillment in the followers. It also creates a sense of unity and belongingness in the followers towards the organization. Charismatic leadership also has severe negative effects in some cases. The shared vision and ideas between the leader and followers create enormous energy in the organization. The leader can employ this energy in destructive way. The more the leader’s self-confident is the more are the chances that the leader will misuse the power. It’s been observed in many cases that charismatic leaders have abused their powers. Many companies have witnessed their high rank leaders going corrupt [13]. Because of excellent communication abilities of the charismatic leaders and due to the fact that they display some kind of charisma, the whole organization follows these leaders wholeheartedly and there remain absolutely no resistance for the leader. Without any check on the power, it doesn’t take time for the leader to go corrupt. Any healthy organization shows competition for power which also represents tussle between values and with lack of this tussle there remains no control on the leader. Followers of the charismatic leaders are so blinded by his charisma that they might even do some acts that they wouldn’t have done ordinarily. Atrocious acts by German soldiers under Hitler’s leadership are an apt example [13]. It was an unquestionable loyalty for their leader that compelled them to act in the way that they mostly wouldn’t have acted otherwise. Discussion This essay explains enough information about the charismatic leadership. There are some questions about the charismatic leadership which have still remained unanswered. After describing the attributes of the charismatic leader and the positive and negative outcomes of the charismatic leadership, it remains unknown that what makes a charismatic leader a â€Å"hero†and what makes him a â€Å"villain†. Are there any specific attributes that make charismatic leader as a â€Å"hero†or a â€Å"villain†? The second question is regarding the â€Å"making of charismatic leaders†. After establishing that the charismatic leaders have certain characteristics, it remains to see that if everyone having those attributes can become a successful leader. And this question gives rise to yet another question that whether a charismatic leader can be â€Å"made†. Is it possible to â€Å"create†charismatic leaders by formal education? Third and last qu estion largely depends on the first two questions: If such charismatic leaders can be created by professional training then is it possible to create a â€Å"hero†type of charismatic leaders and avoid â€Å"dark side†of the charismatic leadership? Note: Although I have mentioned charismatic leader as him throughout the essay, the latest research shows that women are more apt to become a charismatic leaders [14]. I have mentioned the charismatic leaders as him because of the fact that most of the charismatic leaders known to the world are men and the examples which I have used are all male leaders! References 1. Lewin, K., R. Lippitt, et al. (1939). â€Å"PATTERNS OF AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN EXPERIMENTALLY CREATED SOCIAL CLIMATES†. Journal of Social Psychology 10(2): 271-299. 2. â€Å"Transformational Leadership† 21 November 2008 3. â€Å"Charismatic Domination†Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 22 November 2008 4. Jacobsen, C. (2001). â€Å"Dynamics of charismatic leadership: A process theory, simulation model, and tests.†Leadership Quarterly 12(1): 75. 5. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 1, revised ed., pp. 198-213, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 6. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 2, revised ed., The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 7. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 3, revised ed., pp. 91-131, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India,1960 8. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 5, revised ed., pp. 85-101, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 9. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 6, revised ed., pp. 1-45, The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 10. Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma, vol. 8, revised ed., The Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1960 11. Towler, A. (2005). â€Å"Charismatic leadership development: role of parental attachment style and parental psychological control.†Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(4): 15(11). 12. Jung, D. and J. J. Sosik (2006). â€Å"Who are the spellbinders? Identifying personal attributes of charismatic leaders.†Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12(4): 12(15). 13. DeCelles, K. A. and M. D. Pfarrer (2004). â€Å"Heroes or villains? Corruption and the charismatic leader.†Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(1): 67(11). 14. Groves, K. S. (2005). â€Å"Gender differences in social and emotional skills and charismatic leadership.†Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 11(3): 30(17).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Don’t Skip Breakfast Essay
Have you ever felt uncomfortable physically because of skipping your breakfast? A nutritious breakfast bring us a fresh start of one day. Many people who want to lose weight choose not to eat breakfast. However, this method would only cause converse effects. We might feel deprived of energy and hungry all the morning as a result of skipping breakfast. In fact, breakfast determines our health condition. Skipping breakfast is a bad habit which will affect our health and we need to eat breakfast everyday. For one thing, skipping breakfast is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Surprisingly, a study from the Dairy Research Institute proved that citizens who don’t eat breakfast are weight more than those who do. The results indicates that those who skip it expend 40% more sweets, 55% more soft drinks, 45% fewer vegetables and 30% less fruit than those who eat breakfast(July 1, 2012)( Actually, eating a healthy breakfast could somehow help you to manage weight. A nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. who works in Mayo Clinic in USA replies how it helps to get rid of needless weight in three main ways. â€Å"Reduced hunger, healthy choices and more energy.†She mentioned that when long-term fasting happens, the insulin response of your body would grow, then more fat would be stored in your body. She also states if you eat breakfast, you’re more likely to eat a healthy diet during the rest of the day. ( n.d.)We prefer snacks such as chocolate bars to supply our energy when we are starved. Definitely, the diet which we planned is changed. Skipping breakfast makes us less efficient at work or study. Amanda Wynne of the British Dietetic Association told BBC News Online that studies of children who are at school reflects that eating breakfast help them to concentrate more in the morning. Another study from the Learning Connection Summit indicates â€Å"brain scans of children who eat breakfast show more activity than scans of children who skip breakfast(October 9, 2012)†( The energy we need is obtained after we have breakfast, therefore we have more strength throughout the whole morning. Obviously, we are more businesslike at work when we are energetic. We should be aware of the importance of eating breakfast.A 16-year research from Harvard investigated into approximately 30,000 subjects show that individuals who skip breakfast are 21% more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than those who eat breakfast regularly(May 24, 2012). . A study in the Environmental Health Journal found that â€Å"children who ate breakfast had 15% lower blood lead levels than those who skipped breakfast(April 1,2011)†.(, the number of diabetics is in rise gradually. Many of us skip breakfast for saving time or more sleep. However, it seems we need to be conscious of the necessity of eating breakfast. It is decisive to our health condition. Overall, daily breakfast keep us on track if we are trying to manage weight, making us attentive at work, avoiding blood-sugar problems, and supplying nutritious to our body. In the other hand, regular breakfast makes us vigorous from the beginning of everyday. Reference Page Breakfast: How does it help weight control? (2011 July). Retrieved Dec 3,2012 Breakfast Research & Statistics.(n.d.)Retrieved Dec 3,2012 Mdhil, (2012 June), 8 Health Reasons You Should Never Skip Breakfast. Retrieved Dec 3,2012. Shereen Jegtvig, (2012 November), Don’t Skip Breakfast. Retrieved Dec 3,2012. Skipping breakfast very bad for health.(2003 July)Retrieved Dec 3,2012
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