Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Effects Of Gun Control On The United States Of America
Abstract This paper will explore and expose the gun control effects and actions in the United States of America. It will also explain the results of gun control over a decade and show a report of the research the author conducted through a few academic: articles, research, and statistics. The paper will also suggest a solution to compromise both opposing gun control and favoring gun control. The Causes and Effects of Gun Control in the United States The United States has been a gun culture country since the day the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. After many decades, gun ownership had rapidly increased, and many lives have been saved with a gun. An American citizen can legally purchase a handgun at age twenty-one and†¦show more content†¦In addition pro-gun activists also believe that it s their divine right to own and carry a firearm because it was written in the Constitution as the second amendment. Also pro-gun activists believe the problem is not t he firearm, and they ve seen tighten gun control is not effective in any way. Hence, the result from gun control isn t working well in America. Gun control is not effective as it has not been shown to actually reduce the number of gun-related crimes. Many ideas on gun regulation have been suggested to the media, congress, and politicians. However, many of those ideas were rejected because Congress believe the ideas will result in failure. One idea that has not been mention to Congress is allowing responsible citizens to carry a firearm, but have a consequence that requires five years of jail-time minimum and hefty fines if the firearm was not used by the owner in a justified self-defense situation. Therefore, this idea will make criminals think twice before approaching their next victim which might not be their best choice. At the same time, this will eliminate the possibility of straw-purchases on firearms. Straw-purchases are made when a normal citizen passed the background check purchase a firearm, and then sell the firearm to someone with bad intentions in mind. This is when the
Monday, December 23, 2019
Use Of Gmm And Estimate Parameters For Each Sector
BCR use GMM to estimate parameters for each sector in the model. Price rigidities are only significantly different from zero for nondurable goods and services, however the p-value of a Wald test rejects a null hypothesis of homogenous price rigidities across sectors. This result suggests that price rigidity in the service sector alone drives previous estimates of price rigidities based on macroeconomic data. This result is supported by Bils and Klenow (2004) and Baudry et al. (2004) using final good prices in the CPI basket to report heterogeneous price stickiness and longer duration between adjustments for services. Expected durations between price adjustments following Calvo (1983) pricing are nine quarters for services, and as low as†¦show more content†¦- this could explain the variation of price rigidities between macro and micro based studies. BCR analyse impulse response functions to a temporary 1% rise in the growth rate of money supply, after which the level returns to its steady state. This monetary shock has many aggregate dynamics generating a rise in aggregate demand, increasing aggregate output. However the sectoral heterogeneity modelled by BCR produced variations in effects across sectors. Output increases in services and construction are larger than those for durable and nondurable goods. The mechanisms for these results are found to be different by BCR, with monopolistically completive services and durable goods sectors increasing output to meet rising demand. Conversely, increases in construction and nondurable goods output occurs in spite of flexible sector prices, reflecting the demand of other sectors for investment goods following the initial increase in aggregate demand. As investment goods production takes place majoritively in these sectors, the increase in output of both sectors is large. Services is the most labour intensive sector analysed, explaining why it displays the largest increase in real wages, as firms demand more labour from households. The reallocative effect of monetary policy shocks on labour mobility has been noted by Davis and Haltiwanger (2001), with BCR’s results mirroring to some level labour mobility across sectors as seen in US data. A large change in relative prices is also
Sunday, December 15, 2019
“A Good Man is hard to find†by Flannery O’Connor Free Essays
The short story named â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†was written by Flannery O’Connor. In this story the main character was the grandmother. The beauty of the story is that O’Connor lets the reader find out who the grandmother is by her reactions and conversations to the other characters in the story. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"A Good Man is hard to find†by Flannery O’Connor or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will analyze the role of grandmother in the story and what she wanted from her life. The most important personality in this short story is the grand mother, because she plays a vital role in the story’s key action. The little old lady has a leading role in this part. Her direct conversation with her grandchildren, June Star and John Wesley, her son, Bailey, and the Misfit killer teaches us more about the nature and personality of the grand mother. These conversations also tell us that the lady belongs to a prosperous family having traditional background. In the story, we observe her attitude changing several times according to the situation she was dealing with. The action begins when the grand mother said that she would go to east Tennessee and would try to change to the Bailey’s mind and she doesn’t want to go to Florida. Subsequently in the story, when they began their trip to Florida, the grand mother was observed talking the whole time. She told the stories and events of her youth to her grandchildren and instructs them about being more respectful to their parents and to their native state. Though the grandmother is the central character it was her mistake that the trip ended in the overwhelming way that it did. Unintentionally, she led her entire family to their destiny. She is even more to blame for the killings because of what she conveyed on the journey with her. If there had been no feline, there would have not been an accident. If the misfortune would not have occurred, the family had an exceedingly good possibility to endure their vacation. There are numerous things that occur in the article that devotes more data about the grandmother. The book reader can notify that the woman is paranoid by her dialogues at the start of this story. She reads about the Misfit murdered and supposes it would be unsafe to journey to Florida with a man like that on the loose. She is furthermore a lonesome individual because she sneaks her feline, Pity Sing, along for the ride. The scribe states that the woman did not desire to depart the feline because â€Å"it would overlook her too much or would wipe contrary to a burner and asphyxiate itself†(O’Connor, 267). I accept as factual that the feline was the only thing that displayed her love and attention. Her only child had a family of his own, her grandchildren were older now, and she sensed like she was not significant to them anymore, and the children’s mother was engaged with the baby. By conveying the feline, she sensed like she would not be lonely. The book reader can furthermore notify that the woman is exceedingly prejudiced. She mentions to the very dark progeny as a â€Å"cute little pick ninny†(O’Connor, 268) and a nigger. You can furthermore notify many about the vintage woman by what she is wearing. In the vehicle, she wears white hand-coverings, a boat crew head covering, and a navy azure dress. She states that the famous apparel is damaged in order that if any thing occurs, â€Å"the persons that find her body will understand that she was a lady†(O’Connor, 267). I believe she was dressed in this outfit in order that she could believe she was certain thing she was not. It is apparently glimpsed that in her youth, she dwelled in prosperity. She had everything from youthfulness to cash and to love. Now, she nearly feared life because her attractiveness and youthfulness were gone. She would converse about her past because it would take her away from the misery of the present. One of the most significant scenes in the article takes location in the vehicle. The grandmother locations a vintage family graveyard that one time belonged to a plantation. She notifies the young children that the graves were a vintage family entombing ground. Her grandson inquires where the plantation went, and she states that the plantation is â€Å"Gone with the Wind†(O’Connor, 268). This declaration has more significance than just a casual remark. I accept as factual that it is another way that the grandmother expresses her remorse to her present situation. Although she may be mentioning to the video, she furthermore is mentioning to her life. It has unraveled and now she conceives it is lost. The most activity in the article takes location when the grandmother encounters the antagonist. The family gets into a misfortune when the grandmother’s feline startles Bailey. After the wreck, they glimpsed a vehicle close to from the distance. The three men get out of the vehicle and the grandmother identifies one of them from somewhere. At this issue in time, it is her obvious error for rotating down the desolate street, and her feline initiated Bailey to wreck the car. She shortly makes another mistake. She identifies the third man as the Misfit killer. This adds the eventual condemn of the whole family. The got away convicts might have let them proceed if she would not have made that declaration, whereas that is just speculation. After this, the grandmother directly endeavored to defend herself. She did not even beg for the inhabits of her only child and her grandson. They were taken out into the woods and shot. The article gets exceedingly intriguing at this issue because the grandmother begins mentioning to Jesus. She endeavors to assure the murdered that he arrives from good blood. This is a quotation to her youth one time again. In her days, persons that were increased well in good families did not consign heinous misdeeds like murder. She could not accept as factual that this man was adept of murdering her. In the end, after her whole family was slain, she recognized that her time was up. She made a last despairing try to save her life and finally failed. The Misfit murdered shot her three times. The murdered then states, â€Å"she would have been a good woman if there had been somebody to fire her every minute of her life†(O’Connor, 278). This declaration directs me to accept as factual that he knew what kind of woman that she was. How to cite â€Å"A Good Man is hard to find†by Flannery O’Connor, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Loyalty to ones king Essay Example For Students
Loyalty to ones king Essay As soon as the Cid caught sight of the King he ordered all his men to haltHe knelt down on his hands and knees on the ground and with his teeth he pulled up a mouthful of grass. With tears of joy streaming from his eyes he showed in this way his complete submission to his liege lord, Alfonso. What would cause a grown man to act in such a manner? The Cid was the ruler of Valencia, and the leader of thousands of soldiers. The Cid has defeated countless enemies and have been victorious in all his wars, he could have been almost thought of as a man without fear. Yet, as soon as he caught sight of the King who has exiled him from his land, he broke down and acted like an animal in front of the King. The loyalty and respect the Cid has for King Alfonso is the deepest between any characters in the entire poem. Although loyalty and respect is the deepest between the Cid and King Alfonso, there is also a great amount of loyalty and respect among different characters also. Such as the Cid and his loyal vassal Minaya, the Cid to his wife Don Jimena, his two daughters Dona Elvira and Dona Sol, and the Cid to his army. Loyalty and respect are very important themes that progresses stronger and stronger throughout the poem, loyalty can do good and bad to loved ones, but in this poem, it eventually led to conflicts with severe consequences. The Cid stayed loyal to King Alfonso throughout the entire poem. Never once did the Cid say anything bad or offensive towards the King. Although King Alfonso ostracized the Cid from his land, the Cid still respected the King and stayed loyal to him. The Cid was framed by Count Garcia Ordonez, Ordonez accused the Cid of greed. Ordonez told the King that the Cid kept money from him, which upset the King and eventually led to the Cid being exiled from the land. After being exiled, the Cid left the land with a small army and conquered numerous enemies and land. Even though King Alfonso was the one who sent the Cid away, the Cid tried to regain the position he once had in King Alfonsos heart. In trying to do so, the Cid sent thirty horses, all saddled and bridled, with swords hanging from their saddlebows. King Alfonso was pleasantly surprised by such an action. This again proves the amount of loyalty and respect the Cid has for King Alfonso. Not only does he still remain loyal to the King, he even sends a great portion of his rich spoils from his victory to the King. King Alfonso in return respects the Cids actions and allows people from his own land to go and serve in the Cids army. As the Cids army grew, the Cid conquered greater opponents. All along the way, the Cid fought under King Alfonsos name and in the name of Christianity. The Cid considered the land he conquered also to be the land of King Alfonso. After winning a major battle with the Moorish people, the Cid prepared 100 saddled horses to give to King Alfonso. The Cid sent the horses with Minaya, his right hand man. With the gift he also asked the king to allow his wife and two daughters to join him in his kingdom of Valencia. By doing so, it shows another great sign of respect and loyalty to King Alfonso. He could just invade the land and take his family away from King Alfonsos grasp, but yet he sends a gift of one hundred saddled horses and asks for permission for his family to join him in Valencia. .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .postImageUrl , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:hover , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:visited , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:active { border:0!important; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:active , .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73 .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u59b7de71eda8421ca14fc0741d300d73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Voiceless Essay The King was very impressed to see the gift that the Cid has sent, and sees the fact that the Cid still truly respects him. When Garcia Ordonez sees this he says Apparently there are no men at all in Moorish territory. Which annoyed the King, and the King responds saying No more of that. At least he serves me better than you do. At this point it is clear that the Cid is .
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